The Writers' Workshop partners with staff and faculty in several ways inside and outside the classroom.
Teaching Support
The Workshop supports your teaching efforts by consulting with students working on assigned papers or other writing projects, including research papers, essays, reports, UROP proposals, and theses or dissertations. Please see FAQs below for policies on working with your students. You may also want to add language to your syllabus (below) that directs students to the Workshop.
Experienced Workshop staff can also help you design your assignments, determine appropriate grading procedures, and create grading rubrics. In addition, we work with departments or programs to determine how to integrate writing throughout your curriculum. If you or your entire department are interested in this opportunity, contact Jade Sandbulte ([email protected]) for more information.
Suggested Syllabus Language: The Writers' Workshop offers free one-to-one writing support to all members of UMD's campus community. Sessions are held synchronously online or in-person with a graduate student or faculty consultant. Feel free to bring any writing project at any stage in the writing process. To make an appointment, visit or stop by the Workshop’s front desk located in the Securian Learning Commons on the second floor of the Kathryn A. Martin Library.
[Optional] Students in this class have permission to see a Writers’ Workshop consultant for assistance on exams.
Individual Writing Support
The mission of the Writers' Workshop is to support all members of the campus community who seek to improve their writing, including faculty and staff. We all need readers to react to our drafts, to pinpoint areas that lack clarity, and to discuss ideas for revision. The Workshop consultants are eager to serve as your readers. Whether you are working on a grant proposal, an article for publication, a report for a superior, or any other type of writing, the Workshop is here to help. We'll work with you at any stage of the process, even brainstorming! Simply register for an appointment or contact Jade Sandbulte (jadesand) to set up a time for an individual session or, in the case of co-authorship, a group session.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who are the writing consultants?
The Writers' Workshop staff is comprised of graduate student and faculty consultants from a variety of backgrounds. Chosen for their writing ability and teaching experience, the consultants receive ongoing training and professional development.
Am I allowed to assign or require a student (or an entire class) to visit the Writers' Workshop?
We urge students in any discipline, at any stage in the writing process, and at any level to visit the Writers' Workshop. At the same time, the goals of both the writer and the Workshop are typically best met when writers seek the assistance of their own volition. If required to work with a consultant, students may view the demand as a punishment rather than a learning opportunity.
In addition, sheer numbers prevent us from being able to become a required part of course or work expectations.
For these reasons, we ask that you avoid assigning Writers' Workshop appointments, particularly to entire classes. However, we appreciate that you strongly encourage writers to work with one of our consultants and look forward to meeting with them.
Am I allowed to offer students the option of coming to the Workshop rather than doing peer review or offer extra credit for visiting the Workshop?
While we're eager to have you encourage your students to work with consultants in the Writers' Workshop, we ask that you refrain from offering students the option of visiting the Workshop rather than participating in peer review or offering extra credit for coming to the Workshop.
First, the sessions we hold involve an extended conversation between the writer and consultant. This necessarily requires writers to take an active role and to be engaged in the session. In our experience, those who come only to avoid an in-class peer review or to receive extra points are often less likely to actively participate in this process or to seriously consider revising their drafts. This not only makes the session less effective than it could be but also results in making the appointment slot unavailable to those writers who do want to participate fully in the process. Since we serve the entire campus community—undergraduate students, graduate students, faculty, and staff—we need to allocate our resources wisely, working with those who truly desire to improve their writing.
In addition, sending writers to the Workshop rather than having them participate in peer review denies them the opportunity to give, as well as receive, constructive criticism, a skill they will definitely need to hone regardless of the career they ultimately pursue as professionals. The peer-review process differs in significant ways from a session with one of our consultants, primarily because the role of a consultant is not the same as that of a peer. At the same time, we highly encourage writers to visit the Workshop as they prepare for peer review or as they consider comments from a peer during the revision process.
Please note that we're also happy to work with faculty members who have a special request for the Workshop for a particular assignment or want to make an assignment more effective. Please contact Jade Sandbulte (jadesand) to discuss these appointments. We want to help students meet your writing goals for them as well as the goals they set for themselves.
What kind of help can students expect to get during a visit to the Writers' Workshop?
Our writing consultants will work with any undergraduate or graduate student at any skill level and at any stage in the writing process. While we do not proofread or edit papers, we are happy to help writers learn strategies for finding and correcting their own errors. Our primary focus is on larger concerns, such as organization, structure, development, coherence, and so on. We have conversations with writers in order to develop their skills, rather than doing the work for them. Consultants will help students understand writing assignments or comments made on written work, but they do not offer their opinions of the assignment itself or the instructor who gave it. Likewise, grades are strictly between the students and their instructors. We do not predict the grade a writer might get nor do we comment on a grade the writer has received.
How do I help students prepare for a session with a writing consultant?
Remind your students to locate the instructions or guidelines they were given for the assignment they are writing. Students should bring these materials to in-person sessions or have them ready electronically. If the piece of writing is not for an assignment, they should prepare other relevant materials; for example, they should have the job posting if they want to discuss a cover letter for a job application. Remind students that they can visit the Workshop before they have started writing a draft. Our consultants are friendly, non-judgemental, and happy to help students at all levels. You can also encourage students to share with their consultant any writing- or course-specific accommodations that help them learn and succeed. Finally, direct students to read about consultants' backgrounds in order to find a good fit for the type of writing they are doing.
Please direct students to our Appointment Information page.
Will I be notified if one of my students sees a consultant in the Writers' Workshop?
While the Writers' Workshop does not send notifications of student visits to faculty or staff, a summary of each session is sent via email to any person who works with a consultant. Students may choose to share that summary with their instructors or supervisors, but that is their responsibility. Due to privacy concerns, we cannot sign a document verifying a student's visit.
If I assign a take-home exam, will writing consultants help my students with the exam?
Individual faculty members must decide whether to allow students to see a writing consultant to discuss a take-home exam. Such permission must be given in writing on the exam instructions, on a syllabus, or through a separate document. If you want to prohibit students from seeing a consultant regarding a take-home exam, it's best to notify the Writers' Workshop at [email protected] or Jade Sandbulte (jadesand) well before the exam date.
Can I see a consultant for my own writing--grants, articles for publication, etc.?
Yes! The Writers' Workshop is open to all staff, faculty, and students on campus.