Benefits of Becoming a Tutor
Tutors indicate they develop a deeper knowledge in the courses they tutor which, in turn, promotes greater success in subsequent courses. They also gain valuable professional skills for future careers. Tutors also:
- Developed friendships and connections with other tutors and students from across campus
- Gained leadership skills and increased their self-awareness as students and mentors
- Gained confidence in their content areas
- Improved critical thinking, problem solving, and communication skills
- Supported others and felt connected to the UMD community
- Received international tutor certification from an outside, internationally recognized organization (CRLA)
- Developed skills transferable to a wide range of employment situations
Tutor Training
Tutors begin by tutoring 3 hours per week in the Tutoring Center and enrolling in SSP 3003, a 2-credit course that meets twice a week for 50 minutes. The course covers the basic expectations of tutors, strategies to use while tutoring, and background on learning theories. Due to UMD's banded tuition, these courses are free for students taking 13 or more credits.
After the first semester, tutors can choose to complete additional coursework to gain advanced tutoring skills or take a practicum with no grades assignments along with tutoring 4 or 8 hours per week.
Interested in Joining?
Near the end of each fall and spring semester, students who meet the criteria to be tutors are contacted by the Tutoring Center coordinators before enrollment for the next semester begins. If you were not contacted but believe that you would be an asset to the Tutoring Center, contact the coordinators (information below). You will be asked to demonstrate your qualifications through teacher recommendations and an interview.
If you are proficient in one of the languages taught at UMD and interested in becoming a language tutor, you are invited to contact the directors directly to discuss potential options.
Note: Transfer students who are qualified to tutor often get missed in our recruitment process. If you are a transfer student and think you meet our criteria, please contact us.
Jade Sandbulte, Co-Coordinator Tutoring Center Office: 218 Kathryn A. Martin Library (218) 726-6998 [email protected] | Jenna Trenberth, Co-Coordinator Tutoring Center Office: 216 Kathryn A. Martin Library (218) 726-7064 [email protected] |