The Student Success Program (part of the Academic Writing and Learning Center) is here to enhance your students’ skills and equip them to be successful at UMD.
Are you working with a student who . . .
. . . is short of their credit requirement for the semester?
Our diverse offerings of courses provide many options to help students meet credit-related requirements even late in the semester. We offer 5-week and 7-week courses that start at various times throughout the semester. Students who enroll in these courses will develop important skills that will equip them to succeed in their other courses while allowing them to meet their credit requirements.
. . . needs to enhance their academic and/or life skills?
SSP 1001, 1002, 1004, and 1052 are great options for students of all levels. Our 1-credit courses (1001, 1002, and 1004) are particularly easy to fit within students’ schedules.
. . . is unsure about their future at the university?
SSP 2000 and 2010 are designed for students, particularly sophomores, who are working on choosing a major or struggling to stay engaged with their academic work. SSP 2000 focuses on concrete steps and tools for students to define and reach their goals. SSP 2010 offers a more reflective course for students unsure about their academic choices and their future.
. . . is interested in becoming a tutor or mentor?
The tutor training courses–SSP 3003, 3004, and 3103–are taken by those who have met eligibility requirements for tutoring as set by their respective departments and require instructor permission for enrollment. Students who meet the established criteria are invited via email to enroll. If you know of a student who did not receive an invitation but could be an effective tutor, please direct the student to our Prospective Tutors page.