Jade Sandbulte

Interim AWLC Director, Writers' Workshop Coordinator, Assistant Professor


Jade's research and educational background have focused on English as a Second Language and learning initiatives outside of traditional classroom environments. His M.A. thesis focused on a student-led conversational English program at a university, and his PhD dissertation examined the experiences of the spouses of international students living in the U.S. Jade has taught tutor training, first-year writing, and a variety of ESL courses for undergraduate and graduate students.

Office: KAML 212, 416 Library Drive, Duluth, MN 55812

B.A. in English from North Dakota State University
M.A. in Composition & Rhetoric from North Dakota State University
Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from Pennsylvania State University

Areas of Interest:

  • Teaching English as a Second Language
  • English for Specific Purposes
  • Translingualism
  • Tutoring
  • Writing Pedagogy
  • Volunteer and community-based learning programs


man with beard and flannel shirt